Fractal Soul Wellness Center is located in westside Portland Metro area. Address provided to existing clients.

Tuesday to Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday & Monday: Closed

by Appointment Only

Contact us

have any questions or concerns? 

Fractal Soul Wellness Center is located in westside Portland Metro area. Address provided to existing clients.

Tuesday to Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday & Monday: Closed

by Appointment Only

submit your inquiry


please fill out the form below or email us at

stephen K. / 1:1 client

"Psilocybin therapy gave me hope again when I felt hopeless. Tapering off my SSRI medication had been a goal for many years, but I had tried numerous times and always failed. I worked with my doctor after my therapy session to try weaning off again and can now say I'm four months SSRI free. Not every day is easy, but I feel like this treatment gave me my life back - and it only took once."

"After 20 years, i'm finally off my sSRI"

janet / 1:1 client

"I admit I came in a little skeptical this was going to work. The experience was intense without being overwhelming, and my facilitator supported me before, during and after. I was shocked the next day when I woke up with zero cravings. Normally I'd seek out a restaurant with a bar for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm happy to report it's been two months and I am content with an occasional glass of wine."

"i no longer crave alcohol at every meal"